The World of Dungeons and dragons is host to all manner of creatures, some are towering and fearsome, others are small and obscure. The players of Dnd can choose form a number of different races, and in the base version of the game: there are * races to choose from:
Aarakocra are possibly the strangest of the core D&D races. Standing at around 5'5", they are humanoid and covered with feathers, and sport a large set of wings. They commony sequester themselves in high places, whether atop tall mountins or in the highest branches of tall trees, and they are true masters of the sky. Usually, Aarakocra resemble hawks, but some species can be more raven, or owl like. They are naturally predatory, and are skilled hunters solo. Aarakocra usually live to about 30 years old. THey have their own language, Simply called Aarakocran. Very few Aarakocra live on the material plane, as they are actually native to the Elemental Plane of Air.

Oh, the Legendary Dragonborn. Descended from the dragon gods themselves, these creatures are known for their pride, and their contempt for true dragons. Standing as tall as a man, they are covered in scales that match their daconic ancestry and are typically very broad, a testament to their strength. They are known for their breath weapons and their brute strength. Despite being descended from the proud and greedy dragons of old, by and large they tend to be much gentler, living in colonies and villages and working to support eachother.

They're short, they love rocks, and they have a passion for caves. Dwarves have become synonymous with the fantasy genre, from their red hair to the long beards they sport. In reality, they typicsally have earth-colored skin and hair. the beards are the pride and joy of a dwarf, oftentimes being used to indicate their status. They spend most of their time in mountain caves, carving out elaborate and exotic cities that span for miles under the earth. They possess a mastery of the earth, from forging metals to carving stone. They speak their own Language, Dwarvish

Elves: the dainty, prideful, magical and long-lived of the magical world. An elf wields fantasic innateness for magic, a skill that can be honed over their entire lives that can span centuries. They tend to be reclusive and tucked away from the rest of the races in the world, keeping their history and lore exclusive to themselves. They venture into the wider world as leasons of their people and to immerse themselves in the world if they want to. They speak the mystic language of Elvish.

Gnomes are not just for gardens. This race may be short, clocking in at about a half of a foot tall, but don't be fooled, they tend to outlive most races: some live to be more than 300 years old. THey Love knowledge, and pursue it fervently, wandering far and across the realm. They are aversed to violence, and will usually use their higher charisma to word their way out of a situation. They speak Gnomish, Which has a slightly Celtic flair to it.

Half-elves a one of the unfortunate races faerun. They are teh offspring between an elf and a human, and they have a tendency to be looked down apon by both races. They don't have teh long lifespan of elves or the lingual mastery of humans, but they exist as a medium between two very prominent and powerful races, serving as a statement of the balance that can exist between the two.

If you've seen Lord of the Rings, halfings are the hobbits of DnD: they are shorter than the average human, and live in small, secluded communities and are very friendly. A halfling loves a good story, and their food is homely and second to none. When a halfling leaves its village, it's usually put of curiosity and wanderlust. Halflings generally get along well with the other races, and with few exceptions are exceptional hosts and friends.

Half-orcs at a glance are more orc than human. They, along with half-elves, are usually slated as outsider by both of their parental races. The brutish and orc-like features invoke fear in many people, and their human softness earns them ridicule from true orcs. They feel emotion intensley, Laughing long and loud, but often feeling the burn of even the most innocent of insults. They oftentimes rely on their intimidating size and features to survive, living in roving bands of barbarians or struggling in the slums of big cities.

Humans exist as balance. While they do not have one exceptionally defining trait, hey are a jack-of-all-trades, capable of pickng up many skills with moderate proficiency. Humans are generally able to assimilate among the many races of the world, and their vast capacity for knowledge of the many races in faerun means that they can be strong dignitaries, and often times rely on political strenght to exert influence. While they are among the younger of the races in faerun, they are certainly one of the most unique and influential.

Of all the scorned races in the world of faerun, none have it worse than the tiefling. suffering for an ancestral pact with a demon, they bear a vaguely humanoid physique, with horns, dark skin, and a long tail attesting to their demonic heritige. They are skilled in arcana, with an affinity for the dark magics. Despite the way they are frowned upon in the world of faerun, the tiefling is not inherently evil. Some, seeking to redeem their ancestors reputation, seek to bring light into the world, while others, having been the victims of relentless prejudice, violent exact revenge on the world.