Dungeons & Dragons:
Dungeons & Dragons: is a cooperative storytelling game that takes place in the fantasy multiverse of faerun. Players take the form of brave adventurers who embark on quests across the realm, slaying viscious beasts and solving world-threatening troubles. Dungeons and Dragons has existed since the 1940s, and is currently on edition 5e, the most popular version among players. All player-characters in Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) can be described using two distinct subtypes: Their Race and Their Class.

A Characters Race is the species of creature they inhabit. Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, Giants, Tieflings, Tabaxi, and Halflings are examples of races.
A Characters Class is how that charachter fights or the path they pursue. Rogues, Fighters, Sorcerers, Paladins, Clerics, and Bards all make up the ranks of the bountiful heroes in the many worlds.
The Monsters
The world is teeming with heroes, but those heroes are outnumbered by the monsters. While this is not a comprehensive list, these are some of the more awe-inspiring and terrifying creatures that can be encountered in the world.
The World
The world of Faerun is complex, and it consists of many planes of existence, including the material plane, the elemental planes, and the planes emboding order and chaos.