Classes in D&D are the ways a character chooses to express their mastery of skill, whether it be as a fighter on the front lines, or as a cleric serving the high gods. SOme classes learn spells, others learn to channel their power to become true masters of the body. Each class has levels, and when the player goes up in level, they can take levels in a given class to slowly gain its perks. Many players choose to multiclass, gaining the benefits and boons of all the different classes. Any race can take any class, meaning anyone can be anything.
Artificiers are the happy tinkerers of the D&D world, and they have the Ability to use their tools to enchant and create the items and elixers that they use to fight: From tracing runes on items to brewing deadly poisons, creating mechanical servants and making magical items, they definatley have a place in the party, and any party is lucky to have them. Once they get to 20th level(The highest possible level), artficiers are so in tune with their creations that they actually share life-force with them.

Barbarians use their anger to brute force their way through the world. Posessing immense strength and constitution, a barbarian
is certainly a force to be reckoned with. One of the defining features of a barbarian is their ability to

You like music? You like making people do what you want? With the unrivaled performance and charisma of a bard, they truly are the D&D master performers. Through song and magic, they can buff party members or cripple monsters. At level three, they can attend a Bard's college where they become skilled in a particular branch of majic. They can cast spells that cause brilliant sparks to fly through the air, heal the woulds of their allies, or cause dissonant voices to drive their foes insane.

Clerics are In the ilk of priests, and they call on the power of their gods to bring righteous fury upon those they deem unrighteous. Traditionally, Clerics play the Healer class that keeps the rest of the party on their feet. In order to become a cleric, you have to forge a bond with a god, who lends a cleric benevolent (or, in some cases, Malevoloent) power, in exchange for you to do its bidding.

Druids exists in harmony with nature, leading it into fantastic balance. Calling themselves the Old Faith, Druids seek to maintain the law of nature. In battle, Druids create whirlwinds of ice, long arcs of lightning, and towering cyclones of flame, Harnessing the power of the elements to drive back the evil of faerun, including zombies, monstrosities, and abberations. They often live secluded lives, living as close to nature as they can.

Fighters are probably the most versitile Class in D&D, perhaps because of their ability to pick up just about any old weapon and swing it with relative skill. Some are soldiers that fight in massive armies, some are squires, aspiring to one day be among the strongest heroes in the land, and still others are mercenaries, seeking bounties for money. A fighter of a high level is fast, cunning, and ruthless, unleasing blow after blow on their foes, leaving even extrordinary beasts hurting after just a few rounds of combat.

Monks are teh masters of Ki, or the life force that flows through all living creatures. In harnessing this power, monks become capabe of amazing feats. A monk is usually someone who grows up in a monestary, studying the way of the mind and learning to channel their inner strength to truly master the flow of Ki, both in themselves and in others. At the peak of their power, monks dint age, or need food or water, and are immune to disease. they can run on water and move up walls. Monks are testaments to the power of the mind, and their mastery of the physical body makes them extrememly important parts of any D&D party.

Paladins are righteous warriors who seek to restore all that is good and right to the world. The oath that a paladin takes at Level 3 determines the kind of paladin they will become: A righteous warrior, set out to destroy the evil creatures that threaten the light; or a nature themed conservationist, set to preverving the balanced nature. They can become paladins throught events that inspire them to insight change into the world, and often lead lives of incredible intrigue and adventure.

In the world of faerun, there are many environments, and many harsh terrains that heroes must traverse. Some adventurers are very comfortable in these harsh environments, and they are druids. Each druid gets a buff to living in the environment that they are the most comfortable in. They can commune with plants and use them to make potions and poisons. They can call upon the power of animals, whispering to hawks for surveillance or calming wild dogs with a word.

One of the most notorious classes in D&D, Rogues are notorious for their uncanny ability to blend into the shadows. They blend into the shadows, making calculated and precise strikes, preferring to fell their enemy without ever being detected. Rogues Are excellent in environments that involve stealth, including dungeons, crypts, and other peoples houses. THough, not all rogues are bad. Some take up honest livings as locksmiths or exterminators.

Sorceres are one of the three major majic wielding races in Faerun: and they gain their powers through exposure to magic. SOmetimes, its experiencing the dimensions meant only for gods, sometimes its through an encounter with Magic at a young age. Their magic is innate, and sometimes inherited, allowing them to learn many spells and become extremely powerful. They can decide which spells that they wanna cast at the beginning of the day.

The Warock is the second Category of magically inclined classes, and they are similar to clerics in that they form a pact with a diety to inspire powers within them. WHen they call upon the power of their diety to use powerful spells in exchange for a deal, usually their soul or a mark on their person to denote their deal. The use of their power usually comes at harm to them, as the pact is frequently made with fiends, who are not particularly kind to the ones who serve them.

Wizards are the final powerful spell casting class, and they are the most research-driven of the lot. Through careful and tireless research, they master the forces of sorcery, becoming alarmingly powerful in the school of majic they choose. SOme become beacons healing and restoration, others are conjurers or illusionists. THeir ability to study spells means that they are accompanied by a spellbook, an arcane tome that details the rituals and requirements for any of the spells thay have decided to learn.